
An Upcoming Documentary About Solutions

Written by huntgreenllc.com on .

Carbon-Nation-PicLast week I had a fantastic surprise. A friend and colleague invited me to see a film in the middle of the after noon. I was just return ing from Berlin and was jet-lagged and figured, why not? But won­dered, why is this movie show ing during the work day? It turned out be a pre-screening of the upcoming documentary "Carbon Nation" for some of the amazing people inter viewed in the film so that they could give input on how they were portrayed, check the facts, and give general input. According to the film's Director, Peter Byck, "Car­bon Nation" is an optimistic (and witty) discovery of what people are already doing, what we as a nation could be doing and what the world needs to do to prevent (or at least slow down) the impending climate cri­sis. The good news is we already have the technology to combat most of the worst case scenarios of climate change, and it's also very good business. Other good films have been about the problems, "Carbon Nation" is a film that focuses on the solutions."

Byck gives us a humorous, and some times intensely personal, peek into the extra ordinary lives and work of peo­ple who are pioneering vital solutions. I won't give away too much about the film but one of the main charac ters is Dan Nolan who is helping to save fuel, money and lives in Iraq and Afghanistan by helping the military reduce and substitute their fuel needs.

Other stars include Jim Woolsey, Van Jones, Amory Lovins, and Janine Benyus.

Keep an eye out for this must-see film!

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